• What can Mail Alarm do for you?
Mail Alarm is not an email client. Instead, it checks your email account periodically for specific unread/new emails marked with certain label(s). So that you don't have to scour through emails for specific ones or miss out an email because you couldn't look in the inbox periodically. Email clients generally notifies you of every new email arrives at its inbox, which sometimes overwhelming or drowns an important message among bunch of not-so-important messages.
  • How does Mail Alarm does it thing?
You configure your email account to apply labels using filters. Then you select that label(s) as a "Favorite" in the Mail Alarm app. Mail Alarm then check the inbox for messages with those labels periodically and if found one or more such emails, notifies the user by means of a notification message and playing a ring.
  • What will Mail Alarm do with user data?
We respect your privacy. Mail Alarm does not collect or share user's sensitive data. The login is handled by Google OAuth, so that user credentials are NOT shared with Mail Alarm. Also Mail Alarm only reads the From field of the messages that the label(s) are applied. For more information, read the Privacy Policy, the Limited Use Disclosure and the Terms of Service.
  • Do I need new labels?
No you can use existing labels or create new ones. If you not sure how to create new labels, read the user guide to figure how to do that.

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